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Zyprexa Settlement Plaintiffs Receive "No Win...No Pay...No Risk" Lawsuit Loans

by Kari E. Gray

"No one pays much attention to how a person who has been injured is going to live while waiting for a case to settle, the legal system tends to put people who cannot afford to wait for their money at a disadvantage." - Boston Bar Association Ethics Committee Chairman, Gerry Cohen

With these words millions of U.S. consumers every year find out 1st hand the truthfulness of Mr. Cohen's assessment of the legal system; but who more so than the thousands who have suffered tragically at the hands of Ely Lillies drug Zyprexa.

"Zyprexa ruined my life" describes litigant Merrit Salyer who will be one of the first to receive a lump sum settlement in the new 700 million dollars settlement launched last Thursday by multi-billion dollar corporate giant Eli Lilly, manufacturer of Zyprexa. The "extreme hardship I suffered from Zyprexa in both physical & mental suffering, well all I can say is Zyprexa stole my health and it nearly killed me, as I spent 2 weeks in a trauma unit from diabetic ketoacidosis where I almost died and now I live with a lifetime of complications diabetes has left me with" says Salyer of his brief 2 month encounter with Zyprexa.

The costs injured plaintiffs sustain are far more than the actual pain and suffering, as Salyer states, "injuries affect everything including your standard of living, you just can't maintain the same earnings. Then throw in future credit and borrowing and you begin to know the real long term side effects no one takes into consideration and that's why injured plaintiffs need help in many areas to recover."

Is there a solution? 1st Choice Funding offers Zyprexa plaintiffs many and one is by offering cash in hand now, when Zyprexa plaintiffs need it most vs. when settlement finally occurs. The program is called "No Win ...No Pay... No Risk" Lawsuit Loans and this innovative program puts Zyprexa litigants in the position to receive cash prior to settlement with no credit, employment, monthly payments, collateral, or risk no matter how long Zyprexa settlement takes.

"No Win...No Pay... No Risk" Lawsuit Loans are unheard of from traditional banking approaches to lending money conventional lenders agree. "1st Choice Funding's Lawsuit Loans aren't really loans at all and that's why conventional approaches aren't how we make determinations for funding" said 1st Choice Funding company president Timothy S. Gray, "lawsuit loans are what consumers call them but in reality what they are advances made on future settlement, and that's something conventional lenders just don't understand."

What does Zyprexa victim Salyer think of the opportunity to get cash now vs. the lengthy settlement period ahead for the plaintiffs? Salyer says with conviction, "It's about time Zyprexa did something good for us, I think it's a great program and I recommend it to everyone in the financial need my family and I are in, it's really been a god send for us"

To find out more about this innovative service, log onto the company website at http://1stchoicefunding.com and become informed about a long past due financial remedy for Zyprexa victims, as well as all personal injury plaintiffs needing a financial solution.

"No one pays much attention to how a person who has been injured is going to live while waiting for a case to settle, the legal system tends to put people who cannot afford to wait for their money at a disadvantage." - Boston Bar Association Ethics Committee Chairman, Gerry Cohen

With these words thousands who have suffered tragically at the hands of Ely Lillies drug Zyprexa are to soon discover. "Zyprexa ruined my life" describes Merrit Salyer who will be one of the first to receive a lump sum settlement in the new 700 million dollars settlement launched last Thursday by Eli Lilly, manufacturer of Zyprexa. The "extreme hardship Zyprexa caused in physical & mental suffering; Zyprexa nearly killed me, I spent 2 weeks in a trauma unit from diabetic ketoacidosis where I almost died, now I live with a lifetime of complications diabetes has left me with" says Salyer of his brief 2 month encounter with Zyprexa.

The costs injured plaintiffs sustain are far more than the actual pain and suffering, as Salyer states, "injuries affect everything, including your standard of living. Then throw your ruined credit and you begin to know the long term side effects no one takes into consideration, that's why we need help in many areas to recover."

Is there a solution? 1st Choice Funding offers Zyprexa plaintiffs many, and one is by offering cash in hand now, when Zyprexa plaintiffs need it most vs. when settlement finally occurs. The program is called "No Win ...No Pay... No Risk" Lawsuit Loans and this innovative program puts Zyprexa litigants in the position to receive cash prior to settlement with no credit, employment, monthly payments, collateral, or risk no matter how long Zyprexa settlement takes.

What does Zyprexa victim Salyer think of the opportunity to get cash now vs. the lengthy settlement period ahead for the plaintiffs? Salyer says with conviction, "It's about time Zyprexa did something good for us, I think it's a great program and I recommend it to everyone in the financial need my family and I are in, it's really been a god send for us"

To find out more about this innovative service, log onto the company website at http://1stchoicefunding.com and become informed about a long past due financial remedy for Zyprexa victims, as well as all personal injury plaintiffs needing a financial solution.

About the Author

Kari E. Gray is a 20 year veteran senior financial consultant for 1st Choice Funding. During her career Ms. Gray has generated tens of millions in funding and for clients, while simultaneously saving tens of millions in operations for other clients. As the senior advisor to the firm Ms. Gray has spearheaded innovative financial solutions for clients who include business, industry, plaintiffs and attorneys looking for financial solutions.

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